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Protein Powder


Extracted from plant sources, this product contains all amino acids required by human body, 22 amino acids among which 9 are essential. Green World Protein Powder sufficiently provides the daily requirement of proteins and is low in calories and fat. It is free of cholesterol, hormones, and antibodies, generally found in animal proteins. With high solubility and absorbability, it can be taken with milk, beverage, water, or used to cook soup or broth.

Recommended Use:
• It is recommended to those who require sufficient protein intake, such as children, adolescence, pregnant women, and the elderly.
•  It is especially recommended to people who are physically unfit or at convalescence

.• 1-2 tablespoons each time, 1-2 times in a day.

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Brief:It provides us daily requirement of proteins.
Size:500 g / bottle

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Weight 1 kg


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